[BioC] plotMeanVar and coxreid method in edgeR
Davis, Wade
davisjwa at health.missouri.edu
Tue Dec 13 17:10:30 CET 2011
Dear Mark and Gordon:
I have a few questions and suggestions for the plotMeanVar function (which I think is very handy) in edgeR.
I receive the following message when trying to use dispersion.method="coxreid" in plotMeanVar:
plotMeanVar(dge.ctl.filt, meanvar=ctl.filt.meanvar, show.tagwise.vars=TRUE, NBline=TRUE, dispersion.method="coxreid")
Error in plotMeanVar(dge.ctl.filt, meanvar = ctl.filt.meanvar, show.tagwise.vars = TRUE, :
Could not extract Cox-Reid common dispersion. Try running CRDisp on the DGEList object before plotMeanVar.
I had run estimateGLMCommonDisp/estimateGLMTrendedDisp/estimateGLMTagwiseDisp prior to this call, knowing that they have superseded CRDisp / estimateCRDisp / etc.
[1] "samples" "counts" "all.zeros" "common.dispersion" "trended.dispersion" "abundance"
[7] "bin.dispersion" "bin.abundance" "tagwise.dispersion"
NOTE: Everything runs without complaint with:
plotMeanVar(dge.ctl.filt, meanvar=ctl.filt.meanvar, show.tagwise.vars=TRUE, NBline=TRUE, dispersion.method="qcml")
Looking into the plotMeanVar source, it seems that the function is looking for elements object$CR.common.dispersion or object$CR.tagwise.dispersion.
Snippet from plotMeanVar:
if (NBline | show.tagwise.vars) {
if (dispersion.method == "coxreid") {
common.dispersion <- object$CR.common.dispersion
tagwise.dispersion <- object$CR.tagwise.dispersion
else {
common.dispersion <- object$common.dispersion
tagwise.dispersion <- object$tagwise.dispersion
if (is.null(common.dispersion)) {
if (dispersion.method == "coxreid")
stop("Could not extract Cox-Reid common dispersion. Try running CRDisp on the DGEList object before plotMeanVar.\n")
else stop("Could not extract qCML common dispersion. Try running estimateCommonDisp on the DGEList object before plotMeanVar.\n")
It is my understanding that the names CR.* are not being used anymore for DGEList objects. I personally like the CR.* convention because as it stands now, I can't examine an DGEList object and tell by what dispersion method object$common.dispersion or estimateTagwiseDisp was obtained (i.e., estimateCommonDisp or estimateGLMCommonDisp).
So would you politely consider modifying the DGEList-class to address this? Or I have I misdiagnosed the problem entirely?
Thanks for your insight on the matter and your time.
My session info is below.
> sessionInfo()
R version 2.14.0 (2011-10-31)
Platform: x86_64-pc-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
[1] LC_COLLATE=English_United States.1252 LC_CTYPE=English_United States.1252 LC_MONETARY=English_United States.1252
[4] LC_NUMERIC=C LC_TIME=English_United States.1252
attached base packages:
[1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base
other attached packages:
[1] limma_3.10.0 edgeR_2.4.1
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