[BioC] need help on

Jin, Jp jjin at email.unc.edu
Tue Oct 26 21:49:52 CEST 2010

Dear Marco,

Thank you very much for your quick reply! 

What I was trying to do was to extract the comparisons of age group 1 and group 2 in male, or group 3 vs group 4 in female, or between groups of male and female. Please see the following chart:
Levels       M.8vs10 F.12vs14 M.10vsF.10
  Female.y10       0        0         -1
  Female.y12       0        1          0
  Female.y14       0       -1          0
  Female.y8        0        0          0
  Male.y10        -1        0          1
  Male.y12         0        0          0
  Male.y14         0        0          0
  Male.y8          1        0          0

I don't know how to define "contrast" in lme itself with more than one variable of interest. It is great if that works. But I tried contrasts.fit as the following and got an error message:

AgeGroup <- factor(rep(c("y8","y10","y12","y14"),27))
Orthodont <- cbind(Orthodont[,1:4],AgeGroup)
fm <- lme(distance ~ AgeGroup + Sex + AgeGroup*Sex, data = Orthodont, random = ~1|Subject)
AgeGroup <- factor(rep(c("y8","y10","y12","y14"),27))
Orthodont <- cbind(Orthodont[,1:4],AgeGroup)

TS <- paste(c(rep("Male",64),rep("Female",44)),c("y8","y10","y12","y14"),sep=".")
TS <- factor(TS)
design <- model.matrix(~0+TS)
colnames(design) <- levels(TS)
cont.matrix <- makeContrasts(

fm2 <- contrasts.fit(fm,cont.matrix)
Error in contrasts.fit(fm, cont.matrix) : 
  Number of rows of contrast matrix must match number of coefficients

Could you please point out what is wrong? I really appreciate your time and help!


-----Original Message-----
From: Manca Marco (PATH) [mailto:m.manca at maastrichtuniversity.nl] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2010 10:13 AM
To: Jin, Jp; bioconductor at stat.math.ethz.ch
Subject: R: [BioC] need help on
Importance: Low

Dear JP

I am temporarily unable to replay your example code on my workstation but it seems to me that you could simply give your contrasts to the function "lme" itself.

In fact, "lme" accept an argument "contrast" that is set by default as NULL but could be changed indicating any object fitting into the category of contrast argument as defined following:

contrasts.arg: A list, whose entries are values (numeric matrices or
          character strings naming functions) to be used as replacement
          values for the 'contrasts' replacement function and whose
          names are the names of columns of 'data' containing

Otherwise you could use the "contrasts.fit" function from limma instead of the "fit.contrast" (which I do not know by heart... to which package does it belong to? Maybe it is also accepting a matrix as input to the value "contrasts") which would accept a contrast.arg too:

> contrasts.fit(fit, contrasts=NULL, coefficients=NULL)

I'm quite not sure what do you mean for "comparison among males" though, as to me is not clear what are you supposed to use as a contrast within the variable "sex" when all the subjects have only one value and the patients' IDs have been modeled as random effects... maybe you'd rather want to subset your dataset by sex:

> Data<-Orthodont[Orthodont$Sex=="Male"]

and then produce a contrast matrix on some other variables (AgeGroup as instance?)

...but maybe I am going off since I haven't understood the purpose of the analysis.

I hope this helps you anyway. Good luck,

Marco Manca, MD
University of Maastricht
Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences (FHML)
Cardiovascular Research Institute (CARIM)

Mailing address: PO Box 616, 6200 MD Maastricht (The Netherlands)
Visiting address: Experimental Vascular Pathology group, Dept of Pathology - Room5.08,  Maastricht University Medical Center, P. Debyelaan 25, 6229  HX Maastricht

E-mail: m.manca at maastrichtuniversity.nl
Office telephone: +31(0)433874633
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Twitter: @markomanka


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Inviato: martedì 26 ottobre 2010 15.40
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Oggetto: [BioC] need help on

Dear statisticians of the list,

I am a limma user and have a small data set that I used the lme mixed effect model for analysis. I need some help in extracting comparisons from the result. I sent my questions to the R help list, but it appears that there is no people there care about the questions. I know my questions may not be related to this list, but if you would help could you please point me out what I can do or I should do something else? Your help will be greatly appreciated.

My data set is similar to the example data, Orthodont, and I used patient subject as a random effect and did something below:

Orthodont$AgeGroup <- gtools::quantcut(Orthodont$age)
fm <- lme(distance ~ AgeGroup + Sex + AgeGroup*Sex, data = Orthodont, random = ~1|Subject)
fit.contrast(fm, "Sex", c(-1,1), conf=0.95)
fit.contrast(fm, "AgeGroup", rbind("1 vs 2"=c(-1,1,0,0), "2 vs 3"=c(0,-1,1,0)), conf=0.95)

But how can I compare different age groups among Male, Female or between Male and Female as illustrated below (age groups on rows):

## comparison among Male
     Male Female
[1,]   -1      0
[2,]    1      0
[3,]    0      0
[4,]    0      0

## among Female
     Male Female
[1,]    0      0
[2,]    0     -1
[3,]    0      0
[4,]    0      1

## between Male and Female
     Male Female
[1,]   -1      0
[2,]    0      0
[3,]    0      0
[4,]    0      1

JP Jin Ph.D.
Bioinformatics scientist
Center for Bioinformatics
UNC at Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, NC

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