[BioC] flowcore

Perry_D_Haaland at bd.com Perry_D_Haaland at bd.com
Fri Jun 25 15:32:21 CEST 2010

   Hi David,
   IMHO,  changing  the  meta data in the FC file is outside the intended
   functionality of flowcore. I would even argue that it is a bad idea. On the
   other hand, modifying the annotated dataframe associated with a flowSet
   would be the intended use of flowCore. Here is some sample code for that
   adf = pData(aFlowSet)
   adf$patient_id <- 100
   pData(aFlowSet) <- adf
   pData(aFlowSet)$patient_id <- 100
   ## from the manual
   pData,  pData<- Extract or replace the data frame (or columns thereof)
   containing actual pheno- typic information from the phenoData slot. Usage:
   pData(flowSet)$someColumn <- value
   Hope that helps,
   >Message: 10
   >Date: Thu, 24 Jun 2010 14:25:38 -0700 (PDT)
   >From: David Lyon <david_lyon3 at yahoo.com>
   >To: bioconductor at stat.math.ethz.ch
   >Subject: [BioC] flowcore
   >Message-ID: <224578.300.qm at web113519.mail.gq1.yahoo.com>
   >Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
   >can someone show me how to add metadata to a FC file eg:
   >If I wanted to add $patient_id = 100 to an existing FC file whats the exact
   code to do this?
   >also if I wanted to modify an existing value whats the exact code ?
   >Thanks alot
   Perry Haaland, Ph.D.
   BD Fellow, Bioinformatics
   BD Technologies
   perry_haaland at bd.com
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