[BioC] Bioconductor - hugene10stv1cdf not available
Christoph Knapp
mkna005 at aucklanduni.ac.nz
Mon Apr 19 00:51:19 CEST 2010
Hi all,
I'm trying for quite some time to get an analysis started. I keep
getting this Error.
Error in getCdfInfo(object) :
Could not obtain CDF environment, problems encountered:
Specified environment does not contain HuGene-1_0-st-v1
Library - package hugene10stv1cdf not installed
Bioconductor - hugene10stv1cdf not available
Calls: rma ... .local -> indexProbes -> indexProbes -> .local -> getCdfInfo
Execution halted
I installed all possible packages from there
and even downloaded and installed that one
still no change.
What am I missing?
It reads in the CEL files
but when I look at the VFdata object it already says
> VFdata
AffyBatch object
size of arrays=1050x1050 features (11 kb)
cdf=HuGene-1_0-st-v1 (??? affyids)
number of samples=7
Error in getCdfInfo(object) :
Could not obtain CDF environment, problems encountered:
Specified environment does not contain HuGene-1_0-st-v1
Library - package hugene10stv1cdf not installed
Bioconductor - hugene10stv1cdf not available
In addition: Warning message:
missing cdf environment! in show(AffyBatch)
and going on
> eset = exprs(rma(VFdata))
Error in getCdfInfo(object) :
Could not obtain CDF environment, problems encountered:
Specified environment does not contain HuGene-1_0-st-v1
Library - package hugene10stv1cdf not installed
Bioconductor - hugene10stv1cdf not available
Error in exprs(rma(VFdata)) :
error in evaluating the argument 'object' in selecting a method for
function 'exprs'
I'm very inexperienced in terms of stuff like that. A answer for
dummies would be much appreciated.
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