[BioC] Error when trying to build a package that needs to import GO.db, GOstats, ath1121501.db packages

Martin Morgan mtmorgan at fhcrc.org
Wed Oct 29 16:03:33 CET 2008

Rich Savage wrote:
> Hi Martin,
> That worked perfectly!  Thanks :-)
> I added the following line to my NAMESPACE file:
> importMethodsFrom(AnnotationDbi, eapply)
> Plus, I changed my DESCRIPTION file to include this dependency:
> Depends: methods, BHC, GO.db, GOstats, ath1121501.db, AnnotationDbi

I think you want AnnotationDbi (and perhaps the others, too) as Imports: 
This will make the content of the package available to your package 
(subject to Imports: statements in your name space) but not clutter the 
user name space with things they don't want/need.

It's a little tricky to know whether that's really correct, though. For 
instance, if your package returns an object that is defined in 
AnnotationDbi, then probably your user wants to manipulate it and so 
needs to have AnnotationDbi available to them (and hence on their 
'search' path, and in your 'Depends: field).

We should probably have stopped at your first line, 'That worked 


> ('BHC' is my own package)
> My package now runs perfectly happily.
> Thanks again for your help,
> Rich

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