[BioC] Does the strand of a microarray probe matter?
Wolfgang Huber
huber at ebi.ac.uk
Thu Nov 27 23:03:30 CET 2008
Hi Cei
this paper contains a discussion of this topic.
Antisense artifacts in transcriptome microarray experiments are resolved
by actinomycin D, by Perocchi et al.:
Fig.1 and Fig.2 show that you can get strand specific measurements, but
that spurious second-strand synthesis by the reverse transcription step
needs to be considered / avoided.
Best wishes
Wolfgang Huber, EMBL-EBI, http://www.ebi.ac.uk/huber
Maria Stalteri ha scritto:
> Hi Cei,
> I think you may still be a little confused about what the gene expression
> arrays are designed to measure.
> The probes on the Affymetrix 3' expression arrays are single-stranded
> oligos having the sense sequence, i.e. the same sequence as the mRNA they are designed
> to detect, and the IVT assay used with these arrays produces single
> stranded cRNAs with the antisense sequence, i.e. the reverse complement
> of the initial mRNA sample.
> The probes on the Affymetrix Exon ST and Gene ST arrays have the
> antisense sequence, i.e. the reverse complement of the sequence they are
> designed to detect, and the WT assay used with these arrays produces a
> single-stranded cDNA with the sense sequence, i.e. the same sequence
> as the initial mRNA sample.
> The probesets on these arrays are only designed to measure
> expression from one strand.
> They will only measure expression from both strands in the cases where
> Affymetrix have tiled probesets on both strands in the same region
> of the genome. This is the case for some probesets that were designed
> based on ESTS, where it wasn't clear which strand the gene was on at the
> time of array design, so probesets were tiled on both strands in the
> region the EST mapped to.
> As for problems with probeset annotations or discrepancies between one
> annotation source and another, we have also found that
> the number of annotation errors is probably somewhere close to 10%,
> and that genes that were close together or had overlapping ends tended
> to cause problems for the annotations.
> Affymetrix grades the reliability of the annotations for the 3' expression
> arrays as A, B, C or E for each probeset, with A being the most reliable
> and E being annotations based on EST clusters and generally the least
> reliable. We have found that although their A and B grade annotations are
> not always correct either, they are indeed more likely to be correct than
> the annotations they label as E.
> For the exon arrays, Affymetrix labels its probesets as unique, similar,
> or mixed depending on whether or to what extent the probes
> cross-hybridise, so that one can choose to use only those probesets
> labelled as unique if one wants to avoid cross-hybridising probes.
> (I haven't done any mappings of the probes on the exon arrays yet, so I
> don't know how true this is.)
> Best wishes,
> Maria
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