[BioC] Analysis of differentially regulated genes
r.kandimalla at erasmusmc.nl
Mon Nov 10 16:42:24 CET 2008
Dear all,
I would like to here your comments and suggestions regarding my analysis
described below.
Im working with genomewide screening of CpG methylation with agilent two
color CpG arrays with a common reference design.
I have got the data of the future extraction and did loess
normalisation, applied limma to check for the differentially regulated
genes. In one of the comparision i have superficial and invasive tumors,
surprisingly i saw zero differentially regulated genes which is quiet
Here is the R session:
> colnames(design1)<- c("SM", "I")
> design1
> dim(dataset1)
[1] 237220 34
> fit<- lmFit(dataset1, design1)
> ngenes <- nrow (dataset1)
> cont.matrix<- makeContrasts(SMvsI=SM-I, levels=design1)
> cont.matrix
Levels SMvsI
SM 1
I -1
> fit2<-contrasts.fit(fit, cont.matrix)
> fit2 <-eBayes(fit2)
> topTable(fit2, adjust="fdr")
> SMvsI <- topTable(fit2, number=ngenes, adjust="fdr")
> results <- decideTests(fit2,adjust.method="fdr",p.value=0.05)
> summary(results)
-1 0
0 237202
1 0
Best regards,
Raju Kandimalla, PhD student
Erasmus MC
Department of Pathology
JNI,Room H Be-302
Dr. Molewaterplein 50
3015 GE Rotterdam-NL
phone: +3110-7043093
fax: +3110-7044762
r.kandimalla at erasmusmc.nl
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