[BioC] GOStats - HyperGTest - expert opinion needed about the approach selecting gene list
Srinivas Iyyer
srini_iyyer_bio at yahoo.com
Sun Jan 6 16:13:33 CET 2008
Dear all,
I am analyzing gene diff. expression data for a rat
instead of asking which biological processes (BP) are
enriched for my diff. expressed genes, i am interested
in asking which BP are enriched for upregulated genes
and which BP are enriched for downregulated genes.
For doing this, i seperated the diff. expressed gene
lists into two lists (up and down regulated) after
filtering the list for p-val 0.001 (this p-val is
obtained from a t-test).
now I make all up-regulated genes as one 'test list'
to see enrichment for BP using entire 'chip'(genes/BP
on present on chip) as universe.
Similarly, I check enrichement for all downregulated
genes keeping chip as universe.
My question is:
1. Is it okay to do this way instead of making all up
and downregulated genes into a one big list.
2. If i do not see many differential expressed genes,
by doing this way, will I be getting all false
positive enriched terms.
3. Am I missing any key concept and ending up in a
flawed analysis.
any suggestions will help me in big way.
Thank you
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