[BioC] Agilent control probes

Kasper Daniel Hansen khansen at stat.Berkeley.EDU
Sat Apr 19 06:46:47 CEST 2008

We are constructing a microarray and we (I) want some normalization  
controls on the array. We are testing the Agilent platform and they  
seem to have a standard control mix + probes you can purchase for a  
set prize. It seems to be viral or bacterial genes covering a wide  
range of concentrations.

Is anyone familiar with using these probes for normalization? I am  
wondering whether the number of probes is great enough (well, I am  
actually wondering how many probes you get for each transcript).  
Should we consider making our own mix (which we might do anyway test  
the difference). Any comments on or off-list would be appreciated. We  
are going to do a potential huge number of arrays, so I want to get  
this as good as we can.


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