[BioC] Reading 80 CEL files.

Michal Blazejczyk michal.blazejczyk at mail.mcgill.ca
Wed Nov 14 22:06:52 CET 2007


Yeah, typical...

Try using function just.rma instead of calling ReadAffy.
just.rma operates directly on files and requires way less

Or run it on Linux, I think there's less memory issues

Good luck,

Michal Blazejczyk
FlexArray Lead Developer

> Hello~~~
> I am trying to read 80 HG-U133A arrays so I did as follows:
>> memory.limit(size=4095)
>> options(object.size=10000000000, digits=8, scipen=100,
>> memory=3200483647, contrasts=c("contr.treatment", "contr.poly"))
>> library(affy)
>> cel.file <- ReadAffy(celfile.path = ¡šD://CEL)  
> However, it showed
> Error: cannot allocate vector of size 309.4 Mb
> I have tried adding the --max-mem-size=2Gb tag onto my shortcut. 
> The machine has 2G RAM and a 3.30GHz processor. 
> Is there any idea to let R use more memory anywhere?
> Thank you~
> Best Regards,
> Pure

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