[BioC] Tutorials and Free Software Session at CompLife 2007

Thorsten Meinl Thorsten.Meinl at uni-konstanz.de
Wed Mar 28 09:19:27 CEST 2007

            Call for Proposals and Contributions for
                           and the

         to be held at CompLife 2007 (http://www.complife.org/)
        in Utrecht, The Netherlands, on October 3-6, 2007

         held at CompLife 2007 (http://www.complife.org/)
        in Utrecht, The Netherlands, on October 3, 2007

The CompLife organizing committee invites proposals for tutorials to
be held in conjunction with the conference. Although a variety of free
software programs, libraries or public datasources are available in the
area of Life Sciences, many researchers do not know they exist or are
afraid of using because of their apparent complexity. For this reason,
we are seeking proposals for tutorials that teach interested researchers
and users how to use such libraries, programs, public databases, etc.
The tutorials are intended to last about 1.5 to 2 hours and will be held
the day before the main conference.


Tutorial proposals due: June 1, 2007
Notification of acceptance/rejection: July 1, 2007
Tutorial matrial due: September 16, 2007


Proposals should be submitted electronically by June 1 to the
tutorial chairs tutorials at complife.org. Proposals should be in either
PDF or ASCII format and include the following:

* Basic information:
Title, brief description, name and contact information for each tutor,
length of the proposed tutorial.

* Audience:
Proposals must clearly identify the intended audience for the tutorial
(e.g., end-users, programmers, researchers). What background will be
required of the audience? Why is this topic important/interesting to
the community? What is the benefit to participants?

* Coverage:
Enough material should be included to provide a sense of both the
scope of material to be covered and the depth to which it will be
covered. The more details that can be provided, the better.

* Bios:
Brief biographical information on each tutor (including qualifications
with respect to the tutorial's topic).

* Special Equipment:
Please indicate any additional equipment needed (if any). The standard
equipment includes a LCD projector, a single projection screen and


         held at CompLife 2007 (http://www.complife.org/)
        in Utrecht, The Netherlands, on October 4-6, 2007
In recent years more and more free and open-source software has been
developed for chemo- and bioinformatics, molecular modeling or other
Life Science applications, however, many of the programs are not well
known. Following the great success of last year's Free Software
Session at CompLife 2006 we are organizing another special session
dedicated to this type of free software. Authors of free software will
have the opportunity to present their program to the CompLife
audience during the welcome reception which will consist of
researchers and users from computer science, biology, chemistry and
everything in between.

In case you are interested in the free software session, send us an
email to fss at complife.org and briefly describe your program and how
you intend to present it at the conference (1-2 pages max - please
include URL to downloadable version where available). The only
restrictions are that the program be freely available
 or even open source; it must also be related to Life
Science applications. The deadline for these proposals is June 22,
2007. In mid-July we will notify you if your software demo has been

We look forward to receiving your contributions.

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