[BioC] ANN:xy2i and i2xy to be deprecated

James MacDonald jmacdon at med.umich.edu
Fri Mar 23 17:26:11 CET 2007

Currently each cdf package comes with two 'mapping' functions xy2i() and i2xy(), which can be used to map (x, y) coordinates of a chip to indices and vice versa.

These functions appear not to be used much, and tend to be masked upon loading of a second cdf package. In addition, there are safer functions xy2indices() and indices2xy() in the affy package that can be used for the same purpose.

For these reasons, we are planning to deprecate these functions in the coming release (BioC 2.0) and they will be defunct in the subsequent release (BioC 2.1).




James W. MacDonald, M.S.
Affymetrix and cDNA Microarray Core
University of Michigan Cancer Center
1500 E. Medical Center Drive
7410 CCGC
Ann Arbor MI 48109

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