[BioC] Looking for strongly correlated gene expression data
Sean Davis
sdavis2 at mail.nih.gov
Mon Mar 12 14:05:29 CET 2007
On Monday 12 March 2007 08:33, Kim, K.I. wrote:
> Hi BioConductor Users,
> I am looking for gene expression data sets with very strong correlation
> features. (positive or negative) So, I hope I can't expect independent
> uniform distributions for true null p-values of those data sets.
> If anyone knows such data sets, please let me know?
Could you simply test this in a bunch of datasets? In particular, could you
download many (or all) of the datasets from NCBI GEO and test your hypothesis
that such datasets exist and in what proportion? I may be misunderstanding
what you want to do, though.
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