[BioC] Illumina - Beadarray - Limma
Simon Lin
simonlin at duke.edu
Fri Mar 2 02:03:42 CET 2007
Here are some alternative codes for the data transformation and
normalization process. We have compared its performance with log2-quantile,
but not rank invariant.Note that VST transformation, unlike log2, can take
negative values. However, our experience also suggest that background
correction is optional.-Simon> library(lumi) # load the library
> # specify the file name output from Bead Studio
> fileName <- 'Barnes_gene_profile.txt'
> # Read the data and create a LumiBatch object
> example.lumi <- lumiR(fileName)
> # Transfer Illumina data as nuID annotated
> example.lumi <- addNuId2lumi(example.lumi, lib=Human.lumi)
> # Quality control based on the raw data
> lumi.Q <- lumiQ(example.lumi) # (optional)
> # As an example, plot the sample relations of QC
> plot(lumi.Q, type='sampleRelation')
> # Do default VST variance stabilizing transform
> lumi.T <- lumiT(example.lumi)
> # Do RSN between microarray normaliazation
> lumi.N <- lumiN(lumi.T)
> # Quality control after normalization
> lumi.N.Q <- lumiQ(lumi.N) # (optional)
> # Extract expression data for further processing
> dataMatrix <- exprs(lumi.N)
> # LIMMA modeling, then
Nieves Velez de Mendizabal wrote:
> We are analyzing some data of Illumina. There are three kind of
> normalization. First of them is the method of rank invariant
> normalization, recommended by Illumina, and we would like to apply it:
> BSData.bgnorm = backgroundNormalise(BSData)
> T = apply(exprs(BSData.bgnorm), 1, mean)
> BSData.rankinv = assayDataElementReplace(BSData.bgnorm, "exprs",
> rankInvariantNormalise(exprs(BSData.bgnorm), T))
> But in BSData.rankinv I have negative values so I cannot apply the
> method lmFit in order to analyze the differential expression because of
> the log2 transformation applied.
> fit = lmFit(log2(exprs(BSData.rankinv)), design)
> Are these two methods (rank inv method and lmFit) incompatible?
> What kind of normalization should I use in order to search
> differentially expressed genes in micro arrays of Illumina?
> Thanks
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