[BioC] Best way to import GCOS tab-delimited life
Sean Davis
sdavis2 at mail.nih.gov
Thu Mar 1 13:39:49 CET 2007
On Thursday 01 March 2007 06:48, Daniel Brewer wrote:
> Sean Davis wrote:
> > On Thursday 01 March 2007 05:31, Daniel Brewer wrote:
> >> What is the best way to import (what I believe is) a Affymetrix GCOS
> >> produced tab-delimited results file for use with limma and the like?
> >>
> >> Unfortunately I do not have access to the CEL files.
> >
> > I'm not sure what format the files are, but you might want to look at
> > read.maimages() in the limma package. Alternatively, you can use
> > read.table for each array and then put the columns together any way you
> > like using R commands. There might be better ways, besides the two
> > mentioned here.
> >
> > Sean
> Thanks.
> Just for completeness, here is the first couple of lines of one of the
> files:
> Descriptions Met 1_Signal Met 1_Detection Met 1_Detection p-value Met
> 2_Signal Met 2_Detection Met 2_Detection p-value Met 3_Signal Met
> 3_Detection Met 3_Detection p-value Met 4_Signal Met 4_Detection Met
> 4_Detection p-value Met 5_Signal Met 5_Detection Met 5_Detection
> p-value Met 6_Signal Met 6_Detection Met 6_Detection p-value Met
> 7_Signal Met 7_Detection Met 7_Detection p-value Met 8_Signal Met
> 8_Detection Met 8_Detection p-value
> AFFX-BioB-5_at "J04423 E coli bioB gene biotin synthetase (-5, -M, -3
> represent transcript regions 5 prime, Middle, and 3 prime
> respectively)" 624.4 P 0.002275 955.7 P 0.000857 629.5 P 0.002275
> 819.4 P 0.000972 456.4 P 0.001593 498 P 0.002275 470.7 P 0.002275
> 1141.6 P 0.000509
So, just read this with read.table(). Then, you can get various matrices like
dat <- read.table(....)
signalMatrix <- as.matrix(dat[,seq(2,ncol(dat),3)]) # extract every third
column starting with the second column
detectionMatrix <- as.matrix(dat[,seq(3,ncol(dat),3]) # And start with the
third column, etc.
You can use these matrices to make whatever data structure you like, or just
use the matrix directly with limma.
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