[BioC] Best way to import GCOS tab-delimited life

Sean Davis sdavis2 at mail.nih.gov
Thu Mar 1 11:54:40 CET 2007

On Thursday 01 March 2007 05:31, Daniel Brewer wrote:
> What is the best way to import (what I believe is) a Affymetrix GCOS
> produced tab-delimited results file for use with limma and the like?
> Unfortunately I do not have access to the CEL files.

I'm not sure what format the files are, but you might want to look at 
read.maimages() in the limma package.  Alternatively, you can use read.table 
for each array and then put the columns together any way you like using R 
commands.  There might be better ways, besides the two mentioned here.


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