[BioC] Exclude probes that show sd above 0.1 between replicatevalues

J.Oosting at lumc.nl J.Oosting at lumc.nl
Thu Mar 1 11:00:21 CET 2007

Hi João

Here's how I did it on a set of arrays with 3 replicates. ID is a column that has identical values for replicate spots. 

spotaverage<-function(x) {
  # at max 1 NA, and have low variability
  if (sum(is.na(x))<2 && sd(x,na.rm=TRUE)<0.1)  median(x,na.rm=TRUE)
  else NA
aggcollumn<-function(x) {


> Dear list, 
> I have a MAList and I want to exclude probes that show a 
> standard deviation above 0.1 between the replicate values. 
> The number of within-array replicates for each probe (ndups) 
> is equal to 2 and the number of spots to step from a probe to 
> its duplicate (spacing) is equal to 1.
> I am not able to to this. Can somebody give me some a hint to 
> resolve this?
> Best regards
> João Fadista
> Ph.d. student

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