[BioC] Getting GO term from GOids
James W. MacDonald
jmacdon at med.umich.edu
Mon Jul 23 23:25:27 CEST 2007
Hi Alex,
Alex Tsoi wrote:
> Thanks for the information, but I guess GOHyperG does not output the Gene
> ontology term, while hyperGTest output both the GOid, as well as the GO
> term. However, my another question is how could I retrieve information about
> the genes that have the enriched gene ontology (ie. which genes are
> annotated with the enriched gene ontology)?
There is a function in affycoretools (hyperGoutput()) that does pretty
much what I think you want to do.
> The hyperGTest gives us information about the count of the differentially
> expressed genes that are annotated with that enriched gene ontology, and it
> also gives the count of the genes in the array that are annotated with the
> GO, but I would like to have information about which differentially
> expressed genes are annotated with those GO. So I guess my question is given
> a set of Locus link ID, is it possible to find the gene ontologies
> associated with them by using the array's package : hgu133plus2 ?
> (I tried to use GOLOCUSID2GO to find all the ontologies associated with each
> of the differentially expressed genes, and see if each of the ontology is
> enriched by looking back the result of the hyperGTest, but I found the
> results are not coherent; ie. the GO annotations of the package hgu133plus2
> is not coherent with the result of the GOLOCUSID2GO )
> So that's why I would like to retrieve the GO ids from a set of locus link
> ids.
> Appreciate for any help or comment
> On 7/23/07, Seth Falcon <sfalcon at fhcrc.org> wrote:
>> "Alex Tsoi" <tsoi.teen at gmail.com> writes:
>>> Dear all,
>>> I am using GOHyperG to get the onverrepresented gene ontology of a set
>> of
>>> genes, and the results give the gene ontology IDs, I just wondering if I
>>> could also get the gene ontology terms in the results ;
>> What do you mean by terms? Does the summary method on the test result
>> do what you want? Try:
>> ans <- hyperGTest(yourParams)
>> summary(ans)
>>> and also, could someone shows me how I could get the gene ontology
>>> terms from a set of gene ontology IDs ?
>> Perhaps you want:
>> library("GO")
>> someGOTerms <- mget(someGOIDs, GOTERM)
>> Have you had a look at the vignette that comes with GOstats? Try:
>> library("GOstats")
>> openVignette(package="GOstats")
>> + seth
>> --
>> Seth Falcon | Computational Biology | Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research
>> Center
>> http://bioconductor.org
James W. MacDonald, M.S.
Affymetrix and cDNA Microarray Core
University of Michigan Cancer Center
1500 E. Medical Center Drive
7410 CCGC
Ann Arbor MI 48109
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