[BioC] marray layout

Vanessa Vermeirssen vanessa.vermeirssen at psb.ugent.be
Wed Jul 4 10:16:32 CEST 2007


I have some questions about the marray Layout object. I try to upload 
public microarray
data in R in order to create a microarray compendium.

I have used an SMD database file to create the targets, probes and data 
objects for marray.

The array has 21632 spots, however in the database file I only have 
information for 21504 spots.
Moreover, some of the probes are not matchable to a gene and therefore 
for those I would like to
neglect their expression values. I did this now by parsing the database 
file and setting the expression values
at NA for those "non-matchable" probes.

Hence I have 21504 probes, of which 801 are controls and 784 non-matchable
(NAs in their expression values).
I tried to declare this with maSub that I use only part of the array 
(21504 spots and not 21632).
My maControls only considers the 21504 spots.

I read in the whole thing and then look at the graphs created by one 
color "image". There seems to be a lot
of white spots in my arrays and they are not consistent in the same 
place on the array ( although all the NAs
refer to the same 784 probes in the 3 arrays, see code below).
I was wondering if this has something to do with this maSub... and that
it put these NAs (21632-21504, only about 100 ones) randomly on the array?
*How can I correctly read in my marrayLayout?*
I only want to use image to see if there is some spatial gradient in my 
arrays. If htere is, I need to use
background substraction, otherwise I won't.

This is the code I use...I am reading in 3 arrays of the format Chalfie379.
In blue the output I get from R.
The pdf file with the M images  can be found at 


Chalfie379targets=read.marrayInfo("file_A-SMDB-379", info.id=c(2,4,5), 
Object of class marrayInfo.

   maLabels      SMDfile         green Cy3 CH1               red Cy5 CH2
1 new17040.xls new17040.xls wt sorted touch cell  mutant sorted touch cell
2 new17041.xls new17041.xls wt sorted touch cell  mutant sorted touch cell
3 new17042.xls new17042.xls wt sorted touch cell  mutant sorted touch cell

Number of labels:  3 Dimensions of maInfo matrix:  3  rows by  3  columns


file379 <- as.vector(Chalfie379targets at maInfo[,1])
Chalfie379.gnames <- read.marrayInfo(file379[1],info.id=c(1,2,3), labels=2)
Object of class marrayInfo.

maLabels Spot    Name      ID
1     AC3.5    1   AC3.5   AC3.5
2     AC3.8    2   AC3.8   AC3.8
3     AH6.6    3   AH6.6   AH6.6
4   B0001.3    4 B0001.3 B0001.3
5   B0024.1    5 B0024.1 B0024.1
6   B0024.4    6 B0024.4 B0024.4
7   C06H5.1    7 C06H5.1 C06H5.1
8   C07A9.5    8 C07A9.5 C07A9.5
9   C07G2.1    9 C07G2.1 C07G2.1
10  C08B6.4   10 C08B6.4 C08B6.4

Number of labels:  21504 Dimensions of maInfo matrix:  21504  rows by  
3  columns


Chalfie379.L <- new("marrayLayout", maNgr=8, maNgc=4, maNsc=26, maNsr=26)
maControls(Chalfie379.L) <- Chalfie379.gnames at maInfo[,3]
length(Chalfie379.L at maControls)
S <- c(1:maNspots(Chalfie379.L))
T <- Chalfie379.gnames at maInfo[,1]
Z <- S %in% T
maSub(Chalfie379.L) <- Z
ctl <- rep("control", length(T))
ctl[maControls(Chalfie379.L) != "control"] <- "probe"
maControls(Chalfie379.L) <- factor(ctl)
Array layout:    Object of class marrayLayout.

Total number of spots:                  21632
Dimensions of grid matrix:              8 rows by 4 cols
Dimensions of spot matrices:            26 rows by 26 cols

Currently working with a subset of 21504spots.

Control spots:
There are   2 types of controls :

control   probe
 801   20703

Notes on layout:

Chalfie379.raw <- read.marrayRaw(file379,name.Gf="CH1_I", 
name.Gb="CH1_B", name.Rf="CH2_I",
name.Rb="CH2_B", gnames=Chalfie379.gnames, layout=Chalfie379.L, 
targets=Chalfie379targets, DEBUG=TRUE)

image(Chalfie379.raw, col=1, main="1")
image(Chalfie379.raw[,2], col=1, main="2")
image(Chalfie379.raw[,3], col=1, main="3")

myM <- Chalfie379.raw[,2]@maGf /Chalfie379.raw[,2]@maRf
[1] 784

 > summary(which(is.na( Chalfie379.raw[,3]@maGf )))
Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max.
  22    5564   10690   10770   15920   21450
 > summary(which(is.na( Chalfie379.raw[,2]@maGf )))
Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max.
  22    5564   10690   10770   15920   21450
 > summary(which(is.na( Chalfie379.raw[,1]@maGf )))
Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max.
  22    5564   10690   10770   15920   21450

Thank you so much for your help!

Best regards,
Vanessa Vermeirssen


Vanessa Vermeirssen, PhD

Tel:+32 (0)9 331 38 23                        fax:+32 (0)9 3313809
VIB Department of Plant Systems Biology, Ghent University
Technologiepark 927, 9052 Gent, BELGIUM
vamei at psb.ugent.be                         http://www.psb.ugent.be

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