[BioC] One channel microarray antibody analysis
Jordi Altirriba Gutiérrez
altirriba at hotmail.com
Fri Jun 9 17:57:59 CEST 2006
Dear BioC users,
I am trying to analyze 4 antibody arrays (hypromatrix) with 400 spots, which
are stained with the HRP system (images in black and white with an important
background in my case) [for more information about the arrays
http://www.hypromatrix.com/Technology/phosphorylation.html ]. The images
were obtained with an standard scanner with high resolution.
I have analyzed the TIFF images with GenePix, as it was a Cy3 image, to
obtain the signal and the background which corresponds to each spot.
All the 4 arrays are four different conditions, 1 control and 3 conditions
(neither technical nor biological replicates) and there arent control
spots. Nevertheless, its expected that many of the spots dont change its
expression (I am very conscious that the design is very weak).
I have considered the 4 different arrays as 3 arrays of 2 colors:
I have normalized within and between the arrays and I have calculated the
fold change.
Is my analysis correct or should I proceed in a different way?
Many thanks in advance for your advices.
Yours faithfully,
Jordi Altirriba
PhD student
Hospital Clinic, Barcelona, Spain
This is the code that I have used:
>targets <- readTargets()
SlideNumber FileName Cy3
Cy5 Date
standard_cond1 1 standard_cond1.txt Ref cond1
standard_cond2 2 standard_cond2.txt Ref cond2
standard_cond3 3 standard_cond3.txt Ref cond3
>RG <- read.maimages(targets$FileName, columns=list(R="F635 Mean",G="F532
>Mean",Rb="B635 Median",Gb="B532
>RGb <- backgroundCorrect(RG, method="subtract")
>MA <- normalizeWithinArrays(RGb, method="loess")
>MA.q <- normalizeBetweenArrays(MA, method="quantile")
An object of class "MAList"
standard_ cond1 standard_ cond1.txt
standard_ cond2 standard_ cond2.txt
standard_ cond3 standard_ cond3.txt
Block Row Column ID Name
1 1 1 1 14,3,3 14,3,3
2 1 2 1 c-Abl c-Abl
398 more rows ...
[1] "generic"
standard_cond1 standard_cond2 standard_cond3
[1,] -0.5339283 -0.31473618 -0.8712970
[2,] 0.5333891 0.17447885 0.1897565
398 more rows ...
standard_cond1 standard_cond2 standard_cond3
[1,] 12.92027 12.79477 13.06500
[2,] 12.82701 13.04232 13.04360
398 more rows ...
This is my R session:
Version 2.3.0 (2006-04-24)
attached base packages:
[1] "methods" "stats" "graphics" "grDevices" "utils" "datasets"
other attached packages:
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