[BioC] read.maimages: median intesities instead of mean
Gordon Smyth
smyth at wehi.EDU.AU
Wed Dec 6 03:26:40 CET 2006
Dear Lakshmanan,
To specify median foreground and background estimates, use
RG <- read.maimages(files, source="imagene",
columns=list(f="Signal Median",b="Background Median"))
See ?read.maimages and look at the description for the 'columns' argument.
Best wishes
>[BioC] read.maimages: median intesities instead of mean
>Lakshmanan Iyer laxvid at gmail.com
>Tue Dec 5 22:56:26 CET 2006
>How could I make "read.maimages" to read the "Signal Median" from the
>Imagene files (separate R and G) files rather than the "Signal Mean" which
>it does by defualt?
>If you are still with me, here is some more information:
>I use:
> > targets <- readTargets()
> > files <- targets[,c("FileNameCy3","FileNameCy5")]
> > RG <- read.maimages(files, source="imagene")
>to read the imagene files, Here is in an example line from the "imagene
>file", the columns in bold are of interest.
> Field Meta Row Meta Column Row Column Gene ID
>Annotation 1 Flag Signal Mean Background Mean Signal Median
>ound Median Signal Mode Background Mode Signal Area Background
>Area Signal Total Background Total Signal Stdev Background Std
>ev Shape Regularity Ignored Area Spot Area Ignored
>Median Area To Perimeter Open Perimeter XCoord YCoord
> CM-X CM-Y Min Diam Max Diam Control Failed
>Control Background contamination present Signal contamination
> Ignored % failed Open perimeter failed Shape regularity
>failed Perim-to-area failed Offset failed Empty spot Negative spot
> Selected spot Saturated spot
> A 1 1 1 1 Dye Marker Dye
>Marker 0 9.5208 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.317 0.0 48.0
> 457.0 0.0 26.3636 0.0 0.6153 103.0 151.0 0.0
>0.4654 0.0 236.7497 59.996 9.0 236.7081 59.496
> 8.97 0 0 0 0 0 0
>0 0 0 0 0 0
>By default it reads the "Signal Mean" files, how do I change it to read the
>" Signal Median"?
>The problem is that Imagene has separate files for R and G channel and so I
>cannot use the stadarad format for reading, i.e, I cannot directly follow
>the command from limma userguide!
> > RG <- read.maimages(files,
>+ columns=list(R="F635 Mean",G="F532 Mean",Rb="B635 Median",Gb="B532
>+ annotation=c("Block","Row","Column","ID","Name"))
>without combining and reformatting my imagene files.
>-Thanks any help.
>-Lakshmanan Iyer
>Res. Asst Professor of Nueroscience
>Tufts University School of Medicine
>MA 02111
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