[BioC] hypergeometric enrichment of GO terms

Wolfgang Huber huber at ebi.ac.uk
Tue Aug 22 01:46:07 CEST 2006

Hi Axel

I'd recommend to use "gene set enrichment" analysis, as implemented for 
example in Robert Gentleman's Category package.

Chapter 8 of the vignette of the cellHTS package
gives an example on how to do this on a scored set of genes whose GO 
is obtained via biomaRt (the full code of the vignette is provided in the
inst/doc directory of that package).

  Best wishes

PS: GO is not really a tree, it is a directed graph.

Axel Rasche wrote:
> Hello,
> For a set of marker genes from a longer list of evaluated genes I would 
> like to test the hypergeometrical enrichment of GO terms. Due to the 
> tree structure of GO terms this is a bit intricate. Can anyone point me 
> to useful functions?
> By now I have lists with Ensembl gene identifiers and the GO annotation 
> can be provided using the package biomaRt.
> In the package GOstats I find the function GOhyperG to compare a 
> differentially expressed genes to all the genes on an Affymetrix chip 
> with the hypergeometric distribution. Unfortunately the package GOstats 
> is restricted to microarray datasets.
> Many thanks for your answer in advance,
> Axel Rasche

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