[BioC] problem reading GenePix files with .XLS extension

Srinivas Iyyer srini_iyyer_bio at yahoo.com
Thu Sep 29 01:00:01 CEST 2005


I am a fist time trying to analyze cdna data and right
at the first step i was bombed.  can any one please
help me:

>samples = read.phenoData("phenodata.txt",header=TRUE,
as.is = TRUE)
> files = samples$fileName

spree of errors starts here:

## the .XLS files are downloaded from Garber_lung
## software used in GenePix
## path : I am using windows based R so changed the 
## directory to where all my .XLS files area locatd

> mdata = read.GenePix(files, path=".")
Error in if (skip > 0) readLines(file, skip) : 
        missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed

>mdata = read.GenePix(files, ext = 'xls')
Error in if (skip > 0) readLines(file, skip) : 
        missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed

> mdata = read.marrayRaw(files,ext = "xls")
Error in if (is.na(pattern)) { : argument is of length

> nmdata = read.marrayRaw(nfs, ext="xls")
Error in if (is.na(pattern)) { : argument is of length
> nmdata = read.marrayRaw(nfs, ext="xls", skip = 22)
Reading ...  ./shu058.248-97_LCLC.xls 
Error in read.table(f, skip = skip2, header = TRUE,
sep = sep, quote = quote,  : 
        unused argument(s) (ext ...)

How do I read these XLS files and retain all the

can any one please give R commands till I get to
normalization procedure. 

Thank you


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