[BioC] Heatmap - color key & modifying text
Benilton Carvalho
bcarvalh at jhsph.edu
Thu Sep 15 23:02:04 CEST 2005
this is what i usually do...
you might want to change the function, since it assumes a square matrix.
don't forget to load "fields" before.
> 1) add a key that shows the heatmap color scheme order, say from low to high
## this function assumes a square matrix
## small changes if this is not your case
## but this is what i need for now :)
## Call:
## myheatmap(mymatrix,
## order=the.order.you.want.the.matrix.to.be.plotted,
## col=the.colors,
## zr=range.is.vec.2.elements,
## names=vec.with.names.of.columns.rows,
## ...) #whatever you want to send to image()
## Try: myheatmap(matrix(rnorm(100),ncol=10))
## given my configuration, you'll probably need
## to maximize your window
myheatmap <- function (mymatrix, order = 1:ncol(mymatrix),
col = heat.colors(1024)[1024:1],
zr = range(mymatrix),
names = NULL, ...){
par(plt = c(0.25, 0.9, 0.1, 0.9))
ncols <- ncol(mymatrix)
image(t(mymatrix[order, order])[, ncols:1], col = col,
axes = FALSE, zlim = zr, ...)
sn <- paste(names(mymatrix),1:ncols)[order]
if (!is.null(names))
sn <- paste(sn,names[order])
axis(2, at = (0:(ncols - 1))/(ncols - 1), labels = sn[ncols:1],
las = 1)
image.plot(t(mymatrix[order, order])[, ncols:1],
horizontal = TRUE, legend.only = TRUE, zlim = zr, col = col,
smallplot = c(0.25, 0.9, 0.05, 0.095))
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