[BioC] increase R memory

Seth Falcon sfalcon at fhcrc.org
Tue Sep 13 19:40:24 CEST 2005

On  5 Sep 2005, crispi at igb.cnr.it wrote:

> I am using the new R version (R 2.1.1) but when I try to use gcrma
> package the program stops to work.  I have the following error
> messages regarding the failure to obtain enough memory
> "cannot allocate vector of size...." 
> " reached total allocation 510 Mega" 
> How could I enhance the program memory?
> What is the right syntax?
> thank you for your help

You need to tell us the operating system you are using and how much
memory is installed on the system and how big the data is that you
are working on.

After this info, I predict the answer will be:

- use a machine with more memory
- use a Linux system instead of Windows as it is easier to use more
  memory there.
- use a 64-bit Linux system to use GBs of RAM.

But the real question may be: how can you accomplish your task on a
memory limited system.  


+ seth

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