[BioC] Compendia

Wolfgang Huber huber at ebi.ac.uk
Sat Nov 12 16:53:00 CET 2005

Hi all,

who has already published their work in the form of a compendium? A 
compendium is a document that bundles primary data, computational code, 
derived data, and statistical output with the textual description and 
conclusions; for example, this could be an R package with a vignette, 
see also http://www.bepress.com/sagmb/vol4/iss1/art2.

I am wondering whether we could have a more complete collection of 
bioinformatics-related compendia at the bottom of the page 

Best regards

Wolfgang Huber
European Bioinformatics Institute
European Molecular Biology Laboratory
Cambridge CB10 1SD
Phone: +44 1223 494642
Fax:   +44 1223 494486
Http:  www.ebi.ac.uk/huber

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