[BioC] Sending email with limma?

Francois Pepin fpepin at cs.mcgill.ca
Sat May 7 22:40:30 CEST 2005

Hi Gisberto,

It's not really Limma's job to do that. It wouldn't be difficult at all
to get a simple script running that takes care of them.

On a unix-y system, I'd probably just save it to file (write.table does
the trick) and then do system() calls to the mail command or something

(assuming fit is a MArrayML object from lmFit)

> write.table(topTable(fit), file='temp.txt')
> system('mail -s limmaFit user at example.com < temp.txt')
> system('rm temp.txt')

Any other scripting languages should let you do something like that as


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