[BioC] Trouble using GOstats

Ramsi Haddad rhaddad at genetics.wayne.edu
Thu Mar 31 20:19:29 CEST 2005

Dear List,

	I have been trying to find GO category enrichment in one of my gene
lists.  The list is derived from hgu133a.  When I run the function
"GOHyperG", I get an error which is shown below.  If I use the default
lib="hgu95av", there is no error.  I am at a loss.  Please help....



> library(hgu133a)

> list.of.genes <- read.table(file = "top185.txt")

> sig.genes <- list.of.genes[, 1]

> uni.sig.genes <- unique(sig.genes)

> go.analysis <- GOHyperG(uni.sig.genes, lib = "hgu133a", 
    what = "BP")
Error in FUN(X[[15]], ...) : No direct or inherited method for function
"Ontology" for this call
> traceback()
9: FUN(X[[15]], ...)
8: lapply(as.list(X), FUN, ...)
7: sapply(wh, Ontology)
6: getGOOntology(names(goV))
5: unlist(getGOOntology(names(goV)))
4: GOHyperG(uni.sig.genes, lib = "hgu133a", what = "BP")
3: eval.with.vis(expr, envir, enclos)
2: eval.with.vis(ei, envir)
1: source("gostats.R", echo = T)

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