[BioC] 217216_x_at is NOT dihydrolipoamide S-succinytransferase

Kevin Dawson kdawson at ucdavis.edu
Wed Mar 30 07:34:17 CEST 2005

Dear Robert,

I understand, you don't have the resorces to hand-curate the data. I did 
not know how the info is propagated from Affy (who is selecting the 
probesets) to the BioConductor packages.

However, you could have picked up this annotation error automatically. 
AC006530 is a long piece of DNA that includes both DLST and MLH3 among 
others (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?
db=gene&cmd=search&term=AC006530). If you used the info from Affymetrix, 
where the oligos are, it would have become clear that the oligoset is in 
MLH3 and not in DLST.

Thanks anyway,


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