[BioC] Rdbi.PgSQL

Hrishikesh Deshmukh d_hrishikesh at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 24 21:29:11 CET 2005

Hi All,


#Connect to DB
conn <- dbConnect(PgSQL(), host = "localhost", dbname
= "^^^^^",user="&&&&",password="#####")

tt <- dbSendQuery(conn,"SELECT * FROM table WHERE
signalrawintensity >= 200 and signalrawintensity <=
20000 and pm_mm_other >=0")
mytt <- dbGetResult(tt)

This works fine but when i run:
tt1 <- dbSendQuery(conn,"Create table trial as SELECT
* FROM all254gnxdt1 WHERE signalrawintensity >= 200
and signalrawintensity <= 20000 and pm_mm_other >=0")

I get this error:
mylin <- dbGetResult(lin)
Error in dbGetResult.PgSQL.result(lin) : Query did not
produce any tuples

But table "trial" does get created and i can see it
but R can't!!

Any ideas!


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