[BioC] question about reading data into marray package

Seth Falcon sfalcon at fhcrc.org
Tue Mar 15 19:40:51 CET 2005

Hi Yanqin,

Yanqin Yang <yanqin_yang at yahoo.com> writes:
> Thanks so much for kindly help! Here is the output according to your suggestions.
>> traceback()
> 2: read.table(f, skip = skip2, header = TRUE, sep = sep, as.is = TRUE,
>        quote = quote, check.names = FALSE, comment.char = "", nrows = nspots,
>        ...)
> 1: read.marrayRaw(fnames = fnames, name.Rf = "Spot Mean Intensity (Cy5_39)",
>        name.Gf = "Spot Mean Intensity (Cy3_34)", name.Rb = "Background Median Intensity
> (Cy5_39)",
>        name.Gb = "Background Median Intensity (Cy3_34)", gnames = "Clone ID",
>        sep = "  ")
>> sessionInfo()
> R version 2.0.0, 2004-10-04, i386-pc-mingw32
> attached base packages:
> [1] "methods"   "stats"     "graphics"  "grDevices" "utils"     "datasets"  "base"    
> other attached packages:
>   marray    limma
> "1.5.25" "1.8.18"
> I still couldn't figure out the solution of my erro message: Error in if (skip > 0)
> readLines(file, skip) : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed

The error message seems to be saying that the skip parameter is
missing or NA and it needs to have a value >= 0.  So you could try
specifying that.  You could also try setting DEBUG=TRUE and see if
that helps you to diagnose the problem.

+ seth

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