[BioC] GeneID -> nt sequence
Sean Davis
sdavis2 at mail.nih.gov
Mon Jul 25 22:45:47 CEST 2005
On Jul 25, 2005, at 3:46 PM, Paul Grosu wrote:
> Hi -
> Anyone know how I can get the nucleotide sequence(s) to a GeneID?
> Here is an example:
> Let's say I have the following gene ID (960) and below is the link to
> it on NCBI:
> http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?
> db=gene&cmd=Retrieve&dopt=Graphics&list_uids=960#ubor85_RefSeq
> when I do the following commands:
> library(annotate)
> getSEQ("960")
If you look at the help for getSEQ, it takes a GenBank accession
number, not a GeneID, as an argument (and the two are quite different).
> But these gene has several variants so I wanted to find the different
> sequence variants which I'm having trouble figuring out from the
> AnnBuilder or annotate packages.
If you want the sequences for a given GeneID, you are probably talking
about RefSeq sequences. There may be an easier way using one of the
annotation packages, but this is pretty easy, also. Grab the refseq to
GeneID mapping file from the web at:
gunzip the file and then load it into R (which will take a few
minutes--big file):
gene2refseq <- read.table('gene2refseq',sep="\t",header=FALSE)
The documentation for the columns is included below. The second column
of the resulting data frame contains GeneID. The fifth column contains
the GI number for the nucleotide sequence. Therefore, you can do
something like:
generows <- which(gene2refseq[,2]==960)
sequences <- sapply(gene2refseq[generows,4],getSEQ)
Sequences now has 5 sequences, corresponding to the 5 RefSeq sequences
associated with your gene. You hopefully get the idea. As for your
gene having multiple isoforms, there are 5 RefSeqs for GeneID 960, so
you will end up with 5 sequences. I would also look at UCSC or
EnsEMBL, both of which can find your sequences based on GeneID via the
web in batch mode. I have only shown one way in R to do it.
Hope this helps,
DOCUMENTATION from NCBI for gene2refseq file
This file can be considered as the logical equivalent of
one line per genomic/RNA/protein set of RefSeqs
the unique identifier provided by NCBI Taxonomy
for the species or strain/isolate
the unique identifier for a gene
--note: for genomes previously available from LocusLink,
the identifiers are equivalent
status of the RefSeq
RNA nucleotide accession.version
may be null (-) for some genomes
RNA nucleotide gi
the gi for an RNA nucleotide accession, '-' if not applicable
protein accession.version
will be null (-) for RNA-coding genes
protein gi:
the gi for a protein accession, '-' if not applicable
genomic nucleotide accession.version
may be null (-) if a RefSeq was provided after
the genomic accession was submitted
genomic nucleotide gi
the gi for a genomic nucleotide accession, '-' if not
start position on the genomic accession
position of the gene feature on the genomic accession,
'-' if not applicable
position 0-based
end positon on the genomic accession
position of the gene feature on the genomic accession,
'-' if not applicable
position 0-based
orientation of the gene feature on the genomic accession,
'?' if not applicable
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