[BioC] error in installing Bioconductor development packages

Tom Shi shitom at ohsu.edu
Fri Feb 18 01:58:06 CET 2005

Hi, I have a question.  When I tried to install the development packages
(by getBioC(develOK=TRUE) )  an error is generated that says : 
[1] "Installing reposTools ..."
Loading required package: reposTools
Loading required package: tools
Error in getBioC(develOK = TRUE) : 
default:        targets affy, cdna and exprs.
exprs:          packages Biobase, annotate, genefilter, geneploter,
all:            All of the Bioconductor p
In addition: Warning message:
error 1 in extracting from zip file 
When I tried to run getBioC(develOK=TRUE) again, I get this error:
Error in checkReposTools(PACKAGES) : reposTools is out of date but
currently loaded in your R session.  If you would like to continue,
please either detach this package or restart your R seesion before
running getBioC.
Can you possibly tell me what went wrong? 

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