Fix [BioC] yeastCC installs ok, but won't load; R2.0.1

JDCGo at JDCGo at
Sun Feb 6 07:04:18 CET 2005

Received a suggestion from Jim MacDonald to look for and extract this zip file, and then try to load.  

C:\Program Files\R\rw2001\library\yeastCC\data\

Extracted this zip file which created yeastCC.RData, which is a file of type "R Workspace".  Then dragged yeastCC.Rdata onto the RGui to do the load as shown here:

> load("C:/Program Files/R/rw2001/library/yeastCC/data/Rdata/yeastCC.RData")

Although still get same error:

> library(yeastCC)
Error in open.connection(con, "rb") : unable to open connection
In addition: Warning message:
cannot open compressed file `C:/PROGRA~1/R/rw2001/library/yeastCC/data/yeastCC.RData'
Error in library(yeastCC) : .First.lib failed for 'yeastCC'

and don't see yeastCC in packages:

> (.packages())
[1] "multtest"   "genefilter" "survival"   "splines"    "affy"       "reposTools" "annotate"  
[8] "Biobase"    "tools"      "methods"    "stats"      "graphics"   "grDevices"  "utils"    
[15] "datasets"   "base"      

and get warning with data command:

> data(yeastCC)
Warning message:
Data set 'yeastCC' not found in: data(yeastCC)

exprs works:

> dat <- exprs(yeastCC)
> dim(dat)
[1] 6178   77

and see data:

> dat[1:5,1:5]
      cln3.1 cln3.2 clb2.2 clb2.1 alpha0
YAL001C   0.15     NA  -0.22   0.07  -0.15
YAL002W  -0.07  -0.76  -0.12  -0.25  -0.11
YAL003W  -1.22  -0.27  -0.10   0.23  -0.14
YAL004W  -0.09   1.20   0.16  -0.14  -0.02
YAL005C  -0.60   1.01   0.24   0.65  -0.05


John Garner

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