[BioC] Rgraphviz question

Sean Davis sdavis2 at mail.nih.gov
Tue Oct 19 20:12:58 CEST 2004

I recently upgraded to R-2.0.0.  Using Rgraphviz, I get the following 
error (MacOS, graphviz 1.12):

 > library(Rgraphviz) # same error using devel and release versions
 > g1
A graph with  directed  edges
Number of Nodes = 27
Number of Edges = 31
 > plot(g1)
Error in .local(x, y, ...) : couldn't find function "getRadiusDiv"

 > install.packages2('Rgraphviz',develOK=T)
** R
** inst
** save image
Loading required package: cluster
Loading required package: Ruuid
Loading required package: Biobase
Loading required package: tools
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Creating a new generic function for "lines" in "Rgraphviz"
Creating a new generic function for "plot" in "Rgraphviz"
Warning messages:
1: Undefined slot classes in definition of "Ragraph": boundBox (class " 
boundingBox ") in: .completeClassSlots(ClassDef, where)
2: Undefined slot classes in definition of "boundingBox": botLeft 
(class " xyPoint "), upRight (class " xyPoint ") in: 
.completeClassSlots(ClassDef, where)
3: Undefined slot classes in definition of "AgNode": center (class " 
xyPoint "), txtLabel (class " AgTextLabel ") in: 
.completeClassSlots(ClassDef, where)
4: Undefined slot classes in definition of "AgEdge": sp (class " 
xyPoint "), ep (class " xyPoint "), txtLabel (class " AgTextLabel ") 
in: .completeClassSlots(ClassDef, where)


* DONE (Rgraphviz)
[1] "Installation complete"
 From URL:  http://www.bioconductor.org/repository/devel/package/Source
	Rgraphviz version 1.4.23

Package:              Rgraphviz
Title:                Provides plotting capabilities for R graph
Description:          Interfaces R with the AT&T GraphViz library to
                       provide the ability for plotting R graph objects
                       from the graph package
Version:              1.4.23
Author:               Jeff Gentry <jgentry at jimmy.harvard.edu>
Maintainer:           Jeff Gentry <jgentry at jimmy.harvard.edu>
Depends:              R (>= 1.9.0), graph
Suggests:             Biobase
SystemRequirements:   Graphviz version >= 1.12
License:              LGPL
Packaged:             Mon Oct 18 20:50:01 2004; madman
Built:                R 2.0.0; powerpc-apple-darwin6.8; 2004-10-19
                       14:06:25; unix

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