[BioC] Recent changes to Bioconductor packages

madman at jimmy.harvard.edu madman at jimmy.harvard.edu
Sat Jan 3 11:00:03 MET 2004

This is an automated message sent out weekly to report recent changes
to Bioconductor packages.  Please see the URL 
http://www.bioconductor.org/changelog.html for a complete history of 
changes.  Unless otherwise noted, these changes apply to the developmental
packages only.
30 Dec 2003: limma 1.5.0.  GKS
- bug fix for designMatrix() (was giving wrong matrix when common reference was Cy5
  for first array)
- bug fix to printorder() with spacing="topbottom" (was returning vectors of wrong
- new function modifyWeights()
- designMatrix() now uses zapsmall() to eliminate small non-zero entries
- readGAL() now sorts GAL files into standard order if they are not already
- read.maimages() function now sets the genelist directly from the gpr files, so
  readGAL() will usually no longer be required
- new function auROC() to compute exact area under ROC

27 Dec 2003: Rintact 0.0.0 VJC
	added package that will derive protein interaction
	graphs and metadata from EBI Intact project; their web
	services descriptions are too weak at the moment to make
	much progress, but browser-derived example XML can be parsed
 	using handlers in this package, and the MIF (molecular interaction
	format) XML schema is included in inst/MIFXML

27 Dec 2003: NARdbs 0.0.0 VJC
	added package that contains URLs and descriptions for ~550	
	databases cataloged in the annual overview of molecular
	biology databases published in Nucleic Acids Research.
	Vignette available.

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