[BioC] error message from read.marrayInfo

yjli yjli at chg.duhs.duke.edu
Wed Oct 15 17:00:48 MEST 2003


We have been getting the following error message and couldn't figure out the
reason. This function worked before, but it may be before an updates that
our system administrator made a while ago. Could someone help us? We are
using R 1.7.1 and bioconductor 1.2 version.

> #############################
> Error: Error in validObject(.Object) : Invalid "marrayInfo" object:
> object for slot "maInfo" in class "marrayInfo": got class "NULL", should
> or extend class "data.frame"
> #############################


Yi-Ju Li, Ph.D.
Assistant Research Professor
Center for Human Genetics
Duke University Medical Center
Box 3445
Durham, NC 27710
(Phone) 919-684-0604
(Fax) 919-684-0921

Fedex Shipping Address
595 LaSalle St. Durham, NC 27710
Email: yiju.li at duke.edu

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