[BioC] Read ImaGene output files...

Gordon Smyth smyth at wehi.edu.au
Sat Dec 20 11:30:40 MET 2003

At 12:49 AM 20/12/2003, marchiem\@libero\.it wrote:
>Hi everybody,
>wich is the esiest way to read ImaGene output files as marrayRaw objects?
>Is it possible force an RGlist object in one of marrayClasses objects? I 
>to do some comparisons between limma and marray packages...
>sorry for a basic question again!

I've made a conversion package called "convert" which is downloadable from


If you're lucky, you may be able to simply type


at your R session to install it. Then you can use

    as(RG, "marrayRaw")

to create an marrayRaw object from an RGList object.


>Merry Christmass to all!

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