[Bioc-devel] Fix dependency issues in devel and release

Marcel Ramos m@rce|@r@mo@perez45 @end|ng |rom |og|n@cuny@edu
Mon Dec 30 16:23:57 CET 2024

Hi Aurora,

It looks like you were able to sync your package updates to Bioconductor.
I think the question is more about when will those changes be reflected 
in the landing page.

Please note that Bioconductor 3.20 builds every Monday and Thursday [1].

Your fixes should be reflected on today's report (~3 PM EST).

Best regards,


PS. You can checked for sync'ed changes at 

[1]: https://bioconductor.org/checkResults/

On 12/30/24 10:03 AM, Kern, Lori via Bioc-devel wrote:
> * This email originates from a sender outside of CUNY. Verify the sender before replying or clicking on links and attachments. *
> You should update the package yourself by pushing to the RELEASE_3_20 and devel branches on git.bioconductor.org
> Lori Shepherd - Kern
> Bioconductor Core Team
> Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center
> Department of Biostatistics & Bioinformatics
> Elm & Carlton Streets
> Buffalo, New York 14263
> ________________________________
> From: Bioc-devel<bioc-devel-bounces using r-project.org> on behalf of Aurora Maurizio<auroramaurizio1 using gmail.com>
> Sent: Monday, December 30, 2024 4:14 AM
> To:bioc-devel using r-project.org <bioc-devel using r-project.org>
> Subject: [Bioc-devel] Fix dependency issues in devel and release
> Dear Bioconductor Team,
> A package that SurfR depended on was recently removed from CRAN. I noticed
> that the authors have been active on its GitHub repo lately, so I am
> hopeful that it will become available again soon.
> In the meantime, I have addressed the issue by rewriting the affected
> SurfR-related functions and removing that package from SurfR's
> dependencies. Currently, I recommend users who encounter installation
> issues due to this dependency to install the development version of SurfR
> directly from my GitHub repository.
> Would it be possible for you to sync  the released version of SurfR on
> Bioconductor to reflect these changes? This would ensure that users can
> continue to install and use SurfR without encountering dependency issues.
> Thank you for your time and assistance. Please let me know if there are any
> additional steps I need to take to facilitate this process.
> Best wishes,
> Aurora
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*Marcel Ramos, MPH*
Sr. Data Scientist

CUNY Graduate School of Public Health & Health Policy
55 W. 125th Street, 6th Fl.| New York, NY 10027
marcel.ramos using sph.cuny.edu <mailto:marcel.ramos using sph.cuny.edu> | (646) 
sph.cuny.edu <https://sph.cuny.edu>

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