[Bioc-devel] rmspc problems reported in the Multiple platform build/check report for BioC 3.20

Meriem Bahda mer|emb@hd@ @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Tue Dec 17 02:37:44 CET 2024

Dear Community,

I submitted a recent version of the package rmspc to Bioconductor a year
ago, to upgrade it. A prerequisite for the rmspc package is .NET 6.0.
Before installing the rmspc package, the program .NET 6.0. should already
be installed on the user's computer.

I recently received an email saying the package didn't pass the platform
build check for the host *nebbiolo2*. I believe this error may have
occurred because .NET 6.0 isn't installed on this platform.

Thank you for your help!


*Meriem BAHDA*

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