[Bioc-devel] Use of master vs devel branch on git maybe from git.bioconductor.org

Richard Heery r|ch@rdheery @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Tue Oct 3 17:43:25 CEST 2023

Hi all,

I have a package in review on git using git.bioconductor.org and I have added a
remote named upstream pointing to my package there as outlined here

However, I've noticed that there are two branches on the remote now, master
and devel, and that I can push to the master branch okay, but if I push to
the devel branch I get the error:

src refspec devel does not match any
error: failed to push some refs to 'git using git.bioconductor.org:

I am unsure if I should continue using the master branch or not as all the
examples in the linked workflow show use of the devel branch.



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