[Bioc-devel] Multiple projects for submission to Bioconductor
Vincent Carey
@tvjc @end|ng |rom ch@nn|ng@h@rv@rd@edu
Tue Jan 3 02:12:10 CET 2023
On Mon, Jan 2, 2023 at 7:51 PM Ali Sajid Imami <ali.sajid.imami using gmail.com>
> Hi Colleagues,
> I am currently a PhD student in Bioinformatics at the University of Toledo,
> College of Medicine and Life Sciences. I am working in the cognitive
> disorders research lab (https://cdrl-ut.org) and we have been actively
> developing multiple packages. We are particularly interested in
> building data and analysis packages for Kinase Activity analysis.
> We have a number of packages that we would like to submit to Bioconductor
> for acceptance. I am currently in the process of streamlining the packages,
> making sure their dependencies are clearly defined and extracting large
> datasets into their own data packages.
> I had a couple of questions regarding the submissions:
> 1. At our lab we rely heavily on Github Actions for continuous integration
> and delivery. Are the actions outlined in the biocthis (
> https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/biocthis.html) package
> up to date and something we can reliably build on?
Thank you for your note.
I would say the answer here is "yes", but you could also check with the
author of biocthis to see whether there are any concerns to be aware of.
> 2. We have quite a few packages and there may be some packages that would
> be better to go into the same release. Is it possible to submit them all
> separately but have their review process be streamlined, collectively?
It is impossible to say without more information. We have limited personnel
for reviewing. There is an approach for submitting related packages, see
3. Is Bioconductor's git infrastructure set up to update from our github
> repo or is there a solution we can build to push our new "release" to the
> bioconductor git infra after the integration tests in github actions are
> completed?
I suspect you could accomplish update-git-on-push-to-github but perhaps
further discussion is needed. At this time our build system works with git
repositories that are jointly managed by us and by the package maintainer.
Maintainers are responsible for ensuring that the git repository is up to
Vincent Carey
> Thank you.
> Regards,
> Dr. Ali Sajid Imami
> LinkedIn <https://pk.linkedin.com/pub/ali-sajid-imami/50/956/2a6>
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