[Bioc-devel] BiocParallel load balancing and runtime

Anna Plaxienko @nn@ @end|ng |rom p|@x|enko@com
Tue Aug 8 13:10:49 CEST 2023

Hi all!

I'm switching from the base R *parallel* package to *BiocParallel* for my
Bioconductor submission and I have two questions. First, I wanted advice on
whether I've implemented load balancing correctly. Second, I've noticed
that the running time is about 15% longer with BiocParallel. Any ideas why?

Parallel code

cl <- makeCluster(ncores)
res <- clusterApplyLB(cl, my_list, FUN)


parallel_param <- SnowParam(workers = ncores, type = "SOCK", tasks =
res2 <- bplapply(my_list, FUN, BPPARAM = parallel_param)

Thank you!

Best regards,
Anna Plaksienko

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