[Bioc-devel] error on BiocGenerics:::testPackage

Zhigang Li |zg2151 @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Wed Nov 30 17:00:43 CET 2022

Dear Bioconductor Developers,

 Can you please help with an error message from
BiocGenerics:::testPackage for the package IFAA?

 The BioConductor platform produced the following error message when
running BiocGenerics:::testPackage("IFAA"):
 Error in BiocGenerics:::testPackage("IFAA") :
   unable to find unit tests, no subdir 'unitTests'
 Execution halted

 However, the error is very strange because the subdirectory
"unitTests" is there in the folder "inst". And we have previously
passed the test of the package thru the github webpage
(https://github.com/Bioconductor/Contributions/issues/2651). We have
also tested "BiocGenerics:::testPackage("IFAA")" on our own computer
and it did not have this error.


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