[Bioc-devel] Turning an existing "software" package into a "data" package

Geistlinger, Ludwig Ludw|g_Ge|@t||nger @end|ng |rom hm@@h@rv@rd@edu
Tue Jul 12 15:53:31 CEST 2022

Hi Lori,

As I had indicated in personal communication, my BioPlex package https://bioconductor.org/packages/BioPlex is currently listed as a software package, but it would actually be more appropriate to list it as an experiment data package. In addition, I would like to add ExperimentHub resources to the package. Is there a process for changing the classification of the package from "software" to "experiment data"?

I understood that I would need to update the biocViews of my package accordingly to include data package-specific views and ExperimentHub-specific views, is that something that I should do BEFORE or AFTER, the Bioc team internally changes which manifest the package is listed under?

Thanks & Best,

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