[Bioc-devel] Hook declined
Krutik Patel
Krut|k@P@te| @end|ng |rom newc@@t|e@@c@uk
Sat Apr 9 08:02:48 CEST 2022
Thanks for all the help Nitesh, Fabricio and Lori!
Think it is working now.
Many Thanks,
From: Kern, Lori <Lori.Shepherd using RoswellPark.org>
Sent: 08 April 2022 12:39
To: Fabricio de Almeida <fabricio_almeidasilva using hotmail.com>; Krutik Patel <Krutik.Patel using newcastle.ac.uk>; bioc-devel using r-project.org <bioc-devel using r-project.org>
Subject: Re: Hook declined
⚠ External sender. Take care when opening links or attachments. Do not provide your login details.
Please also be mindful that if you have already committed changes before doing a
git pull upstream master
to retrieve changes on git.bioconductor.org, you may encounter merge conflicts (esp regarding package version number) that may need to be resolved before a
git push upstream master
would be allowed. This generally involves resolving the merge conflict and re-committing the file that was in question.
Lori Shepherd - Kern
Bioconductor Core Team
Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center
Department of Biostatistics & Bioinformatics
Elm & Carlton Streets
Buffalo, New York 14263
From: Bioc-devel <bioc-devel-bounces using r-project.org> on behalf of Fabricio de Almeida <fabricio_almeidasilva using hotmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, April 7, 2022 3:24 PM
To: Krutik Patel <Krutik.Patel using newcastle.ac.uk>; bioc-devel using r-project.org <bioc-devel using r-project.org>
Subject: Re: [Bioc-devel] Hook declined
Hi, Krutik.
Did you check if the local version of your package is up to date with the remote? I think `git fetch --all` would solve your problem.
This document can be helpful to you: https://secure-web.cisco.com/1gMIYYBfGMP2W4MLcP7L8fR2uStUheSMzyL94b7t6R7cfdaA6iYamCMixb5lzal4gqoC_K6OxCAJ4XDDw3n9BwQ9rKS-YYss6t0GMkrjGWcncN5NOC6AYtqdibK6_Xt0JtZphXroWG8G6GVNiURbmH209p0htc5XsWq-18OHBR9QEsShDUNCz7T9vuhhR3hwHyWSyZ2YOjboINd_WHxZ9nNfL7ohnPp8z4Y46gbik-hQqWAe8Vyr7F8lNMzdgwZc349trTRCjGlL8adb__066lZWrYB7j3eZI-fxaNff9wJzvTE2vtAMICdVwOvc2yUs-/https%3A%2F%2Fbioconductor.org%2Fdevelopers%2Fhow-to%2Fgit%2Fbug-fix-in-release-and-devel%2F<https://eur03.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fsecure-web.cisco.com%2F1gMIYYBfGMP2W4MLcP7L8fR2uStUheSMzyL94b7t6R7cfdaA6iYamCMixb5lzal4gqoC_K6OxCAJ4XDDw3n9BwQ9rKS-YYss6t0GMkrjGWcncN5NOC6AYtqdibK6_Xt0JtZphXroWG8G6GVNiURbmH209p0htc5XsWq-18OHBR9QEsShDUNCz7T9vuhhR3hwHyWSyZ2YOjboINd_WHxZ9nNfL7ohnPp8z4Y46gbik-hQqWAe8Vyr7F8lNMzdgwZc349trTRCjGlL8adb__066lZWrYB7j3eZI-fxaNff9wJzvTE2vtAMICdVwOvc2yUs-%2Fhttps%253A%252F%252Fbioconductor.org%252Fdevelopers%252Fhow-to%252Fgit%252Fbug-fix-in-release-and-devel%252F&data=04%7C01%7CKrutik.Patel%40newcastle.ac.uk%7Cef0b732bec24460dd42008da19546b55%7C9c5012c9b61644c2a91766814fbe3e87%7C1%7C0%7C637850147620771593%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000&sdata=CjPeo5JgCgvlJcEDKMP2I4GsRUW5tjX4C3%2BEm5hCpTs%3D&reserved=0>
Kind regards,
Fabr�o de Almeida Silva, MSc.
PhD student in Bioinformatics (Ghent University, Belgium)
UGent-VIB Center for Plant Systems Biology
Personal website: https://secure-web.cisco.com/1ck1T8grztoW3AD0B7cImI4ySuDuxeP1m_7T4k1hLcyPLtVkYVjKKa5nX_SNxPUkx9OrFaDd3-c1f0rG4etRUuJeAukhgN8jn_uSUuxB1s16ncJGy0BFJU0HF5ebSLyNVJcWJJ3441AF6FwJwtovM6I1nnbaQG_WIudchicJkXmHvyBAHC139CAQ6CTXJGOGfGs_dp3Gt6ZAZSeJ4uy21Z3nYdgH5I58v-zP9chBxZpU9dfR1cno3Qux03y8vxD0Mhy-qPtPPmB3Ojb797H-cr05CpWW4feErziRfP421NVslLjamDS1DgP5fU123MHbv/https%3A%2F%2Falmeidasilvaf.github.io<https://eur03.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fsecure-web.cisco.com%2F1ck1T8grztoW3AD0B7cImI4ySuDuxeP1m_7T4k1hLcyPLtVkYVjKKa5nX_SNxPUkx9OrFaDd3-c1f0rG4etRUuJeAukhgN8jn_uSUuxB1s16ncJGy0BFJU0HF5ebSLyNVJcWJJ3441AF6FwJwtovM6I1nnbaQG_WIudchicJkXmHvyBAHC139CAQ6CTXJGOGfGs_dp3Gt6ZAZSeJ4uy21Z3nYdgH5I58v-zP9chBxZpU9dfR1cno3Qux03y8vxD0Mhy-qPtPPmB3Ojb797H-cr05CpWW4feErziRfP421NVslLjamDS1DgP5fU123MHbv%2Fhttps%253A%252F%252Falmeidasilvaf.github.io&data=04%7C01%7CKrutik.Patel%40newcastle.ac.uk%7Cef0b732bec24460dd42008da19546b55%7C9c5012c9b61644c2a91766814fbe3e87%7C1%7C0%7C637850147620771593%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000&sdata=R%2FrOO%2FGhmWZoCvSVV7ijlavvCCl5K%2BSZ2U%2FET6OjUJ4%3D&reserved=0>
De: Bioc-devel <bioc-devel-bounces using r-project.org> em nome de Krutik Patel <Krutik.Patel using newcastle.ac.uk>
Enviado: quinta-feira, 7 de abril de 2022 13:23
Para: bioc-devel using r-project.org <bioc-devel using r-project.org>
Assunto: [Bioc-devel] Hook declined
Dear Bioconductor,
I am the maintainer of the TimiRGeN package and am trying to push an update but I get a message saying that the hook is declined. I am not too sure what this means but would appreciate any help on this matter. I have copied some code from me trying to git below.
Many thanks,
> git remote -v
origin git using github.com:Krutik6/TimiRGeN.git (fetch)
origin git using github.com:Krutik6/TimiRGeN.git (push)
upsteam git using git.bioconductor.org:packages/TimiRGeN.git (fetch)
upsteam git using git.bioconductor.org:packages/TimiRGeN.git (push)
> git push upsteam master
To git using git.bioconductor.org:packages/TimiRGeN.git
! [rejected] master -> master (fetch first)
error: failed to push some refs to 'git using git.bioconductor.org:packages/TimiRGeN.git'
hint: Updates were rejected because the remote contains work that you do
hint: not have locally. This is usually caused by another repository pushing
hint: to the same ref. You may want to first integrate the remote changes
hint: (e.g., 'git pull ...') before pushing again.
hint: See the 'Note about fast-forwards' in 'git push --help' for details.
> git push origin master
Everything up-to-date
> git push upsteam master --force
Counting objects: 76, done.
Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (75/75), done.
Writing objects: 100% (76/76), 8.86 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
Total 76 (delta 59), reused 1 (delta 0)
remote: FATAL: + refs/heads/master packages/TimiRGeN Krutik6 DENIED by fallthru
remote: error: hook declined to update refs/heads/master
To git using git.bioconductor.org:packages/TimiRGeN.git
! [remote rejected] master -> master (hook declined)
error: failed to push some refs to 'git using git.bioconductor.org:packages/TimiRGeN.git'
Krutik Patel, PhD
Research Associate
Newcastle University, UK
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