[Bioc-devel] Git recognizes me but denies access
Hervé Pagès
hp@ge@@on@g|thub @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Mon Dec 13 19:39:47 CET 2021
On 12/12/2021 03:49, Philipp A. wrote:
> I think the easiest fix was to just switch to HTML vignettes, then destiny
> is no longer dependent on Bioconductor’s LaTeX environment staying stable.
> Let’s see in the next build if it worked.
Just in case someone is watching this thread and wondering what we're
doing with the LaTeX environment on the build machines.
Short answer: nothing
Detailed answer:
- The Linux builders run Ubuntu 20.04 LTS which provides Tex Live. See
for the exact list of Deb packages we install on the builders. That's
all we install there as far as TeX/LaTeX is concerned.
- The Windows builders use MiKTeX. We install MiKTeX once for all when
we prepare a new Windows machine for the builds and that's it. We never
touch it again.
- The Mac builders use MacTeX which we also install once for all at prep
All these installations are stock installations. We don't "tweak" them
or try to define specific variable environments to change the default
behavior. They just work out-of-the box like they would on the end-user
Just wanted to clarify.
> If not, I’d like some support. The 24 hour turnaround of the build bots is
> too slow for incremental changes.
> Am Fr., 10. Dez. 2021 um 18:59 Uhr schrieb Vincent Carey <
> stvjc using channing.harvard.edu>:
>> How are we doing with this? Can destiny be maintained? Do we need more
>> git assistance?
>> I am told the package is not passing check in 3.14.
>> On Thu, Nov 18, 2021 at 4:24 AM Philipp A. <flying-sheep using web.de> wrote:
>>> My addresses are phil.angerer using gmail.com (not philipp) and
>>> flying-sheep using web.de.
>>> I’ll add a key as soon as I’m able to log in.
>>> Am Mo., 15. Nov. 2021 um 15:56 Uhr schrieb Nitesh Turaga <
>>> nturaga.bioc using gmail.com>:
>>>> You have to activate the account at
>>>> https://git.bioconductor.org/BiocCredentials/account_activation. Set a
>>>> password and add Ssh keys.
>>>> Once again, the email you are trying to activate is '
>>>> philipp.angerer using gmail.com’.
>>>> The problem seems to be non-matching key pairs. Add new SSH keys.
>>>> Best,
>>>> Nitesh
>>>> Nitesh Turaga
>>>> Scientist II, Department of Data Science,
>>>> Bioconductor Core Team Member
>>>> Dana Farber Cancer Institute
>>>>> On Nov 15, 2021, at 9:54 AM, Nitesh Turaga <nturaga.bioc using gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Philipp,
>>>>> The email address that is registered to BiocCredentials right now is '
>>>> philipp.angerer using gmail.com'. It doesn’t look like an institutional email
>>>> address.
>>>>> Could you please confirm the email change to flying-sheep using web.de ??
>>>>> Best,
>>>>> Nitesh
>>>>> Nitesh Turaga
>>>>> Scientist II, Department of Data Science,
>>>>> Bioconductor Core Team Member
>>>>> Dana Farber Cancer Institute
>>>>>> On Nov 15, 2021, at 2:36 AM, Carsten Marr <
>>>> carsten.marr using helmholtz-muenchen.de> wrote:
>>>>>> confirmed!
>>>>>> best,
>>>>>> c
>>>>>>> Am 13.11.2021 um 15:56 schrieb Philipp A. <flying-sheep using web.de>:
>>>>>>> I no longer have control of this email address.
>>>>>>> Please add the one I’m writing from to the account.
>>>>>>> My supervisor (CC) from when I was at the institution can confirm
>>> that
>>>> I’m the same person.
>>>>>>> Best, Phil
>>>>>>> Am Di., 9. Nov. 2021 um 16:24 Uhr schrieb Nitesh Turaga <
>>>> nturaga.bioc using gmail.com>:
>>>>>>> Dear Phil,
>>>>>>> Please activate your account at
>>>> https://git.bioconductor.org/BiocCredentials/account_activation. Add
>>> new
>>>> SSH keys, because it’s possible you are not using the correct key-pairs.
>>>>>>> Nothing on our end seems out of place.
>>>>>>> The FAQ section from #13 onwards has other debugging options as
>>> well,
>>>> https://bioconductor.org/developers/how-to/git/faq/.
>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>> Nitesh
>>>>>>> Nitesh Turaga
>>>>>>> Scientist II, Department of Data Science,
>>>>>>> Bioconductor Core Team Member
>>>>>>> Dana Farber Cancer Institute
>>>>>>>> On Nov 8, 2021, at 12:23 PM, Philipp A. <flying-sheep using web.de>
>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>> My package (destiny) has been deprecated because Bioconductor’s
>>> LaTeX
>>>>>>>> environment keeps changing and breaking my docs.
>>>>>>>> I‘m trying to fix it once again, but I get:
>>>>>>>> $ git push upstream masterFATAL: W any packages/destiny p.angerer
>>>>>>>> DENIED by fallthru
>>>>>>>> *Please note that this isn’t covered in the FAQ*:
>>>>>>>> “p.angerer” indicates that it recognizes me, but still doesn’t
>>> allow
>>>> me to
>>>>>>>> push commits.
>>>>>>>> Best, Phil
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>>>>>> Carsten Marr
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>>>>>> AIH Institute of AI for Health
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