[Bioc-devel] Packagebuilder skips building of MsCoreUtils package
Rainer Johannes
Joh@nne@@R@|ner @end|ng |rom eur@c@edu
Wed Sep 16 09:38:22 CEST 2020
Thanks Lori, yes, it seems to be OK now
cheers, jo
Johannes Rainer, PhD
Eurac Research
Institute for Biomedicine
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M +39 327 4075490
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email: johannes.rainer using eurac.edu
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> On 15 Sep 2020, at 19:18, Shepherd, Lori <Lori.Shepherd using RoswellPark.org> wrote:
> This seems to have resolved on today's build report.
> Lori Shepherd
> Bioconductor Core Team
> Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center
> Department of Biostatistics & Bioinformatics
> Elm & Carlton Streets
> Buffalo, New York 14263
> From: Bioc-devel <bioc-devel-bounces using r-project.org> on behalf of Rainer Johannes <Johannes.Rainer using eurac.edu>
> Sent: Tuesday, September 15, 2020 3:52 AM
> To: bioc-devel using r-project.org <bioc-devel using r-project.org>
> Subject: [Bioc-devel] Packagebuilder skips building of MsCoreUtils package
> dear all,
> seems that the BioC package builder does not build the MsCoreUtils package even after we bumped the version. The last change date listed in the BioC 3.12 check results is "2020-06-23 06:08:43 -0400" and version 1.1.3 is listed, but in the BioC git we have already version 1.1.5. Please let us know if we have mis-configured something so that we can fix that.
> thanks, jo
> Johannes Rainer, PhD
> Eurac Research
> Institute for Biomedicine
> Via Galvani 31, I-39100 Bolzano, Italy
> M +39 327 4075490
> T +39 0471 055 491
> email: johannes.rainer using eurac.edu
> github: jorainer
> twitter: jo_rainer
> Legal Seat
> Viale Druso 1, I-39100 Bolzano, Italy
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