[Bioc-devel] Package update before october 23rd deadline and build errors [duplicated, wrong email address previous]

Giulia Pais g|u||@p@|@1 @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Wed Oct 21 11:58:43 CEST 2020

Hello, bioconductor team,

I'm one of the contributors for the package ISAnalytics. We pushed some 
changes we would like to be included in the release for bioconductor 
3.12 a couple of days ago but the build report still refers to the older 
version, did we miss the deadline for updates or is it normal? Moreover, 
by taking a look at the build report for the older version we noticed it 
had failed on Windows, which is to us very odd, since we develop and 
check the package on windows locally and we also have github automated 
actions that perform the same checks on other machines and there were no 
errors or warnings. From what we can see from the report it seems a 
BiocParallel problem, could you give us feedback on this please? The 
link to the build report: 

Thank you in advance,

Giulia Pais

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