[Bioc-devel] request

Zhen Yang zheny@ng @end|ng |rom |ud@n@edu@cn
Sat May 30 11:53:55 CEST 2020

Dear Biocondcutor admins:

This is Zhen Yang from Fudan University, as the maintainer of the Bioconductor package of "FEM" (https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/FEM.html), I would like to make some update to this package. However, my last email (yangzhen using picb.ac.cn) has been suspended, I have registered to BioC by using this new Email. I would like to ask if I can get the SSH key for The package by using this email(zhenyang using fudan.edu.cn)? Now I cannot log in to the Bioconductor Git Credentials. Seem I need to activate my account.

Thanks a lot and best wishes!

Zhen Yang
Fudan University

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